Thursday, June 14, 2007

Ambatchmasterpublisher does everyone

have ambatchmasterpublisher admit, I’m a bit nervous, this is my first blind date setup.”
Ambatchmasterpublisher does everyone have ambatchmasterpublisher pretend they’ve never been setup before? I can personally recall 24 blind dates in the last five years, and each and every woman claimed it was their first time. After twenty minutes of blah-blah-blah - where did you grow up, where did you go ambatchmasterpublisher school, where do you live, what do you do for a living, blah-blah-blah - we agree ambatchmasterpublisher rendezvous.
First Date
It’s Wednesday evening, I’m sitting on a bar sambatchmasterpublisherol at Trilogy. I’ve arrived fifteen minutes early ambatchmasterpublisher consume a personality enhancing pre-beer. Several thoughts float through my mind - I wonder what face corresponds with the voice I heard on the phone? Is my future wife about ambatchmasterpublisher walk through these doors? That heavy-set manly-looking individual in the corner can’t really be Heidi? After three false alarms, Heidi makes her entrance. Mentally I size her up against her telephone description:

ambatchmasterpublisher Perhaps I sound superficial, perhaps I’m not giving her a fair chance, but let’s be honest - she is executing the identical analysis on my telephone description.
ambatchmasterpublisher Here’s the golden rule of the first date - no one gets invited for dinner, it’s always drinks and appetizers.