ambatchmasterpublisher Ring Girls!!!!!!!
ambatchmasterpublisher Taken from The Boxing Club Fight Night 10. Don't forget to check out the other videos from that night. I was sitting in the back with my brother and we decided to just walk up ringside and watch the fight. I turn the the left and Bam! Ring girls are just sitting there. This video made it up to top 6 video views for the day one time. I initially posted it for my brother (the guy I am talking to in the video), but I guess other people liked it too. If you don't like the video, be sure to tell me why. It's a 5 second video of pretty much exactly what the preview picture shows. Your comments will help me with my study of mental retardation.
ambatchmasterpublisher all those girls look sexy
Ring Girls!!!!!!!
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ambatchmasterpublisher wat the omfg hell
ambatchmasterpublisher Was five seconds of crowd chatter and profiles of 'hot chicks' really that fucking significant that you thought the entire world would give a shit? Honestly, I ended up on this video on accident, from the male pull of having balls, but this sucks ass