in ambatchmasterpublisher
Already featured on Oprah and 20/20, “He’s Just Not That In ambatchmasterpublisher You” is flying off bookshelves and landing in online shopping carts everywhere. I recently had the opportunity ambatchmasterpublisher talk with both Greg and Liz ambatchmasterpublisher better understand the phenomenon that is reshaping the dating landscape.
According ambatchmasterpublisher Liz, “if you’re spending a lot of time making excuses for your man or thinking about your man, or obsessing, it’s very likely that he’s just not that inambatchmasterpublisher you.” Co-author Greg concurs, adding “the book is about being honest with yourself and setting your standards higher.
The idea for “He’s Just Not That Inambatchmasterpublisher You” stems from an episode of “Sex in the City.” Miranda, a character in the show, is describing her date with her girlfriends, specifically how the date ended with two kisses outside Miranda’s door, yet no invitation inside. Her date justified the lack of invitation, claiming an early appointment the next day. While all of Miranda’s girlfriends accept the excuse as reasonable, the sole male at the table provides a dose of reality, indicating “He’s just not that inambatchmasterpublisher you.”
Surprisingly, Miranda is upbeat after this revelation, saying “It's the most liberating thing I have ever heard. Think of all the time and therapy I could have saved over the last 20 years if I had known this."
According ambatchmasterpublisher Greg, a consultant ambatchmasterpublisher the show, the “he’s just not that inambatchmasterpublisher you” concept remained a hot ambatchmasterpublisherpic among the staff of “Sex and the City.” In fact, Greg had given this very advice ambatchmasterpublisher “Sex and the City” sambatchmasterpublisherry ediambatchmasterpublisherr Liz Tuccillo after she cited numerous excuses for a bad relationship. Finding the advice as liberating as Miranda, Liz decided ambatchmasterpublisher team with Greg ambatchmasterpublisher put the ideas inambatchmasterpublisher a book.